
How do you define a successful ad campaign?

Setting the goals is the first step of any ad campaign.

Different industries, different markets (different countries or sometimes different regions) and different target audiences, will affect the ad campaign goals.

Usually, there are two types of goals:
- Image projection goals - like brand acknowledgment, brand loyalty, brand image association and brand positioning.
- Operational goals – like sales increase, retaining actual customers, gaining new customers, pitching for a recently launched product, and others which may vary according to the industry.

Image projection goals, are measured when the ad campaign ends, and it is measured with market research (like phone surveys or other techniques).

Operation goals are measured as well when the ad campaign is terminated, and it is measured with internal operational data.

Note 1: Not all ad campaigns target sales increase. Example: ad campaigns made by non profit, or social awareness organizations.

Note 2: Ad campaigns can have one or multiple goals, but has more chance to be successful if it narrows the list to fewer goals, because the message can be conveyed more clearly.

So, it is a successful campaign if it achieves the goals set at the beginning of the process.

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