
Is a marketeer a sales person?

No. However a marketeer that doesn’t know how to sell isn’t a marketeer.

In a competitive market, the ability to present your product/service in a most appealing way, giving all the best tools to your sales personal, can make the difference.
And, to do that successfully, the knowledge of “How to sell” is irreplaceable.


Consumers Behaviour Tip

Sometimes consumer preferences are not revealed by questioning.
The best way to really acknowledge consumer behaviour is to submit consumers to a real test, which they don’t know what is being tested.

The majority of people say that prefer the colour blue.
However, when confronted with two similar products, one with blue package and other with red package, the majority of people are most attracted to the red one.


Superbowl Ads

The Superbowl ads are played in the most expensive TV airtime in the world.
So, companies try to make the best ads…

All 2008 Superbowl Ads:

What is the marketing formula to the Youth segment?

If you intend to make a campaign targeted to the Youth segment, it is a mistake to look in to the past.

The Youth segment is all about trends.

You need to listen teens directly and understand what they are responding to now.

Remember that teens focus shifts very fast, so what was trendy yesterday, could be boring for them today.

My point is that, in Youth segment the best formula is not using a formula.

The marketing should flow with the trends and understand what teens want in that short period of time.

The common mistakes are engaging in old formulas, and look to teens through an adult point of view.

The challenges of this segment are looking to teens through a teen point of view, and staying a second ahead of the new trends.

How do you define a successful ad campaign?

Setting the goals is the first step of any ad campaign.

Different industries, different markets (different countries or sometimes different regions) and different target audiences, will affect the ad campaign goals.

Usually, there are two types of goals:
- Image projection goals - like brand acknowledgment, brand loyalty, brand image association and brand positioning.
- Operational goals – like sales increase, retaining actual customers, gaining new customers, pitching for a recently launched product, and others which may vary according to the industry.

Image projection goals, are measured when the ad campaign ends, and it is measured with market research (like phone surveys or other techniques).

Operation goals are measured as well when the ad campaign is terminated, and it is measured with internal operational data.

Note 1: Not all ad campaigns target sales increase. Example: ad campaigns made by non profit, or social awareness organizations.

Note 2: Ad campaigns can have one or multiple goals, but has more chance to be successful if it narrows the list to fewer goals, because the message can be conveyed more clearly.

So, it is a successful campaign if it achieves the goals set at the beginning of the process.

Why should I matter about Brand Loyalty?

Brand loyalty is very important, because increases the brand value, and by doing so allows to set higher prices.
Imagine a market without brands, there you will find a market where the competition is only made by setting smaller prices, and by that the risk of destroying market value is high.
Pricing is the most sensible item in marketing, because projects your image and positioning, defines your profit margins and in the end defines the company sustainability.
So, why brand loyalty is so important to pricing? Increasing brand value by acknowledgment, image associations, attractiveness and brand loyalty, will permit to set higher prices, therefore higher margins and in the end, higher profits.
Besides that, is common knowledge that in almost all industries is cheaper to increase sales through actual customers, than invest to reach new customers.