
Why Pi is my favorite number?

Pi is a mathematical constant, which results from the ratio of a circle's circumference with its diameter.

It’s a constant because from that ratio results always the same value, independent of the circle size.

Usually it’s referred only as “3.14”, however pi decimals are an infinite sequence of digits that never repeats itself. Therefore Pi includes all numbers and all possible number combinations.

The mind-blowing effect of Pi in me is that you can find everything inside of Pi. If you dig enough you will find in Pi your phone number, your social security number and other relevant numbers in your life.

Also, if you create a simple conversion between numbers and letters (e.g. 1=A, 2=B …), if you dig Pi enough you will find everything you ever said until now and everything you will say and all the alternatives you might say in the future.

Just for fun, check out here the top 100 million digits of Pi. 

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