
Should the Government Increase the Minimum Wage? Why or why not?

Increasing the minimum wage is a popular political policy that is 95% financially supported by the private sector, because usually, the minimum wage employees work in the private sector. So, it can be an evil mean of government propaganda (government receives appreciation from the electors but it is the private sector that pays the bill).

There are arguments in favour and against of this kind of policy.

In favour:
- Many political deciders and some “left wing” economists believe that corporations are always looking to exploit the employees, specially the less skilled employees, which have less job options, therefore even with big profits, corporations don’t care enough by those employees in the bottom of the structure.
- By increasing some people’s income, it will have a good effect on consumption increase, therefore stimulating the economy.

- Increasing the minimum wage will affect much more the smaller companies than the big ones. And smaller companies are already under pressure by companies from other countries with cheaper labour costs. It is expected that some smaller companies cannot afford the extra cost and will loose competitiveness in the market, and could even close their doors. The final result of minimum wage increase could be unemployment increase, therefore contributes negatively to the economy, because it will generate less consumption and increase government welfare costs with unemployed people.

My opinion:
- Both arguments have merit, therefore it is a question of when is more appropriate to increase the minimum wage, achieving the purpose of the policy with minimum effects on unemployment.
The answer of "when" depends of each country economic status, but surely that minimum wage increase is a bad policy during an economic downturn, because it will contribute even more for the downhill.

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