
Sales Techniques: Answering a question with a question?

“Answering a question with a question” it is an ancient psychological technique, which became famous when it was further developed by the famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud.

If you are consider answering a question with a question as a technique to avoid tough questions that will lead to a failure, because usually that intention is perceived by the customer.

However if you answer a question with a question with the purpose to bring to discussion other relevant factors that favor you, which the customer isn’t considering in that moment, by doing that you increase your chances of success.

One of many classic examples:
Question: Why is this automobile so expensive?

Bad answer: This is a good automobile, who cares about the money?
Good answer: This automobile pollutes less, if you care about the environment and with the future of your grandchildren, this automobile isn’t expensive, or is it?

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