
Obesity is a serious health problem – Top 10 Countries

Some people say that obesity is a result of wealth and abundance, because usually this problem occurs more often in some of the wealthy countries in the world.

Although the countries affected are usually economic developed, that doesn’t mean that all obese people are wealthy.

Remember that when the family budget is tight, families tend to buy cheaper food, which usually is not so healthy food.

Unfortunately obesity besides the mobility issues also brings along other serious diseases.

If you currently are having any obesity issues, please seek for help before your health deteriorates, and remember, as you can see in TV Shows as "The Biggest Loser", although it is hard, it is possible to recover a healthy life.

Below you will the top 10 countries with obesity issues and the percentage of obese that population:

1 United States  30.6%
2 Mexico  24.2%
3 United Kingdom  23%
4 Slovakia  22.4%
5 Greece  21.9%
6 Australia  21.7%
7 New Zealand  20.9%
8 Hungary  18.8% 
9 Luxembourg  18.4% 
10 Czech Republic  14.8%
16 Portugal  12.8% 
Source: Data from 2003, OECD Health Data 2005. Aggregates compiled by NationMaster.

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