
Portugal produces more cars per capita than China

This is a mind-blowing stat.

Although China is by far the greatest car manufacturer country in the world with 13,9 million cars produced in 2010, Portugal produced more cars per capita than China.

In 2010 were produced 0,011 cars per each Portuguese resident and were produced 0,010 cars per each Chinese resident.

If Portugal had the same population than China and this stats remained unchanged, Portugal would have produced 14,7 million cars, instead of 115 thousand cars.

Stats Source: Nationmaster


Is this the best Harley Davidson ad of all time?

It’s very hard to find an ad that really captures the essence of a brand.

In my opinion, this is the best Harley Davidson ad ever made and probably one of the best ads of all time.



What is the fastest man-made object

When people think on the fastest man-made object, usually they think in fast cars as the Bugatti Veyron, or in fast airplanes as F18-Hornet.

However the fastest man-made object ever is NASA’s Juno Spacecraft that in 2013 broke the previous record, and setting the bar at 140.013 kilometers per hour.

That means that this NASA satellite reached 38 kilometers (or 24 miles) per second when performing a slingshot manoeuvre around Earth.

Source: NASA


The most produced aircraft ever

Unless you are an aircraft fanatic, you would never guess.

It is the Cessna 172, which is still in production and have been produced since 1956 and currently is manufactured in the USA (country of origin) and also in France.

It is estimated that were produced to date, 43.000 units of this aircraft model.

Source: (Goyer, R, 2012)


Top 10 most competitive countries in 2014

According to the World Competitiveness Yearbook 2014, the countries that currently have the most competitive economies are:
 1st – USA
2nd – Switzerland
3rd – Singapore
4th – Sweden
5th – Germany
6th – Canada
7th – UAE
8th – Denmark
9th – Norway
10th – Luxembourg

42nd – Portugal

Note – Hong Kong was ranked in 3rd place, but technically Hong Kong is not a country so I excluded it from the original ranking.

Source - IMD


Interesting video game industry facts

Video game industry is currently one of the fast growing industries in the world.

So, let’s look to some of the mind-blowing facts about the US market in 2013:

. 59% of Americans play video games.
. Americans spent $21,3 billion on videogames, hardware and accessories.
. The average gamer is 31 years old and has being playing games for 14 years.
. The average age of the most frequent game purchaser is 35 years old.
. 48% of the gamers are women.
. 44% of the gamers play on their smartphone.

Source - ESA Entertainment Software Association


101st Post

I am glad to announce that this the 101st post of this blog.


80% of all cars registered in Albania are Mercedes

Albanians are truly the greatest Mercedes fans.

So much that 80% of all cars registered in Albania are Mercedes.

You can check here Top Gear's episode 5, of season 16, where this surprising fact was presented.


Obesity is a serious health problem – Top 10 Countries

Some people say that obesity is a result of wealth and abundance, because usually this problem occurs more often in some of the wealthy countries in the world.

Although the countries affected are usually economic developed, that doesn’t mean that all obese people are wealthy.

Remember that when the family budget is tight, families tend to buy cheaper food, which usually is not so healthy food.

Unfortunately obesity besides the mobility issues also brings along other serious diseases.

If you currently are having any obesity issues, please seek for help before your health deteriorates, and remember, as you can see in TV Shows as "The Biggest Loser", although it is hard, it is possible to recover a healthy life.

Below you will the top 10 countries with obesity issues and the percentage of obese that population:

1 United States  30.6%
2 Mexico  24.2%
3 United Kingdom  23%
4 Slovakia  22.4%
5 Greece  21.9%
6 Australia  21.7%
7 New Zealand  20.9%
8 Hungary  18.8% 
9 Luxembourg  18.4% 
10 Czech Republic  14.8%
16 Portugal  12.8% 
Source: Data from 2003, OECD Health Data 2005. Aggregates compiled by NationMaster.

China vs. USA – Exports Face off

The USA and China are the top economies in the world and China threatens to take the top spot from the US very soon.
So, a great way to check the differences in their economy strategies is take a better look on their exports.
As you can see below by the sales volume, China is more focused in the external market than the USA, which relies more in their internal market.
Although China has more focus than USA in industries that require more human resources as footwear, clothing and furniture, China also invested in industries as electronic equipment and machinery, and that destroys the myth that China is not developed in this type of industries.
The USA only has a clear superiority in their exports on aircraft, spacecraft and pharmaceutical products.

Check out below the top exports of USA and China:

USA Top 10 Exports (2013)
1. Machinery: $213,108,199,000 (13.5% of total exports)
2. Electronic equipment: $165,604,449,000 (10.5%)
3. Mineral fuels including oil: $148,426,743,000 (9.4%)
4. Vehicles excluding trains and streetcars: $133,640,479,000 (8.5%)
5. Aircraft and spacecraft: $115,380,944,000 (7.3%)
6. Optical, technical and medical apparatus: $84,281,276,000 (5.3%)
7. Pearls, precious stones, precious metals and coins: $72,830,232,000 (4.6%)
8. Plastics: $60,836,970,000 (3.9%)
9. Organic chemicals: $46,510,903,000 (2.9%)
10. Pharmaceutical products: $39,742,717,000 (2.5%)

China Top 10 Exports (2013)
1. Electronic equipment: $561,703,550,000 (25.4% of total exports)
2. Machinery: $383,310,504,000 (17.3%)
3. Knit or crochet clothing and accessories: $96,810,372,000 (4.4%)
4. Furniture, lighting, signs and prefabricated buildings: $86,435,683,000 (3.9%)
5. Optical, technical and medical apparatus: $74,689,712,000 (3.4%)
6. Non-knit and non-crochet clothing and accessories: $68,271,919,000 (3.1%)
7. Plastics: $61,775,281,000 (2.8%)
8. Vehicles excluding trains and streetcars: $58,588,779,000 (2.7%)
9. Iron or steel articles: $57,368,576,000 (2.6%)
10. Footwear: $50,766,207,000 (2.3%)

Exports data source:  World’s Top Exports


Top 10 - World’s Best-Selling Cars of 2013

Check out below the Forbes’s list of the best selling cars of last year and how many units were sold worldwide.

1st Ford Focus – 1,1 million units
2nd Toyota Corolla – 1 million units
3rd Volkswagen Jetta – 900K units
4th Hyundai Elantra – 866K units
5th Chevrolet Cruze – 729K units
6th Toyota Camry – 728K units
7th Volkswagen Golf – 720K units
8th Ford Fiesta – 705K units
9th Honda CR-V – 698K units
10th Volkswagen Polo – 686K units

Source - Forbes

The Best Volkswagen ad ever

Probably the best VW ad ever