
What would be the immediate consequences if Portugal decide to leave the Euro?

At the day of that decision, it is expected that all financial transactions in Portugal would be suspended including deposits retrievals, except of small amounts for daily needs.

The new Portuguese currency would suffer an immediate devaluation, comparing with the Euro or Dollar, which means that the Portuguese workers’ salaries would also suffer a real devaluation.

Therefore the living cost in Portugal would increase a lot in just 24 hours.

The new reality will generate some chaos because many people, would run to stores as fast as possible to buy everything they can, trying to avoid the huge price inflation expected in result of their country leaving the Eurozone.

The decision of leaving the Eurozone will generate social unrest and can even occur some riots.

This outcome is expected if this decision is made in countries as Portugal, Spain or Greece due to their current financial situation, and this opinion is shared among many economists.


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Off Topic - Lisbon Grand Prix 1996

Rider: André Antunes
Horse: Frágua
Class: Grand Prix of CSIO-j Lisbon 1996
Position: 8th
Comments: Capt. Pimenta da Gama