
Steve Jobs - Special Speech

2009 Country Brand Index

According to FutureBrand, the Top 10 country brands of 2009 are:


What is the most common mistake in Marketing?

Managers that work in Marketing tend to consider that their friends’ opinion is the market opinion.

Why is that a mistake?
Because, our friends rarely represent a statistical relevant market sample.

So it’s ok to listen and get ideas from our friends, but keep in mind that usually they don’t represent the market.


How to solve the energy problem?

Nuclear Fusion is the answer:

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Also when shopping?

Definitely the consumer behaviour of women and men tend to differ.

If you pay close attention, the best warehouses and supermarkets, try to split the couples (husband and wife) in the beginning of their shopping tour.

Why they try to split the couple (husband and wife)?
Because, it has been understood by consumer behavioural studies that women tend to buy much more stuff without the “pressure” of the husband.
Men tend to have an anxiety increase when they are shopping, their blood pressure increases, and they start pushing and speeding up the shopping tour.
Women tend to enjoy more the shopping experience, and tend to buy more stuff outside the shopping list.
But, women are not big spenders, they tend to be more cautious and tend to verify and compare the prices. While men tend to buy always the same brand without verifying if those prices have changed since their last buy.

How they split the couple?
Usually the warehouses locates the “sport, hi-tech and music stuff” near the entrances. Their goal is to get the men attention, and hopefully, split the couple, while men check the “new cool stuff”, women can go do their shopping tour without being bothered by their husbands.

What is the purpose?
Women although being more savvy in their shopping, they tend to buy more, because they pay more attention to opportunities, and buy more outside the shopping list.
But that only happens, if women are not “pressured” by their husbands during their shopping experience.

So, split the couple!

Naturally, this doesn’t happen to all men and women.
I am just talking about main trends.