
How to make a successful advertising campaign?

An advertising campaign that is successful has followed for sure at least one of these guidelines.

- Huge impact through an ad which has a lot of creativity allowing to invest less in media coverage.
  • By capturing immediately the audience attention, through creativity impact.
  • By creating word of mouth between the audience.

- High intensity in the media, which requests a great budget investment.
  • By repeating the same message over and over again, it eventually will stick on the audience mind.

- Find an accurate mix of creativity and media pressure to push the ad.
  • This is a grey area, where is hard to be successful, because this perfect mix of creativity vs. media intensity, isn't always the same as it depends of the market targeted. So in this case, the contribution and know-how of a market expert could be decisive to achieve a successful ad.

So, if you have a limited budget, creativity is the key for your success and if you have a huge budget, a good basic ad could be enough, but as everybody knows, huge budgets are hard to find.

Those are general rules, however specific characteristics of each advertising campaign target, should be taken in consideration as well, especially when choosing the campaign channels to advertise (TV vs. Radio vs. Magazines and others).

Although the guidelines mentioned are very simple, it is very hard to successfully accomplish one of them.